How much experience do you have?

How long do you wait to determine an initiative’s impact?

How old are you?

How do you know a grant is successful?

Which funding model do you think is most effective?

What’s your appetite for trailblazing?

How important is it for you to decide how a grant is spent?

You’re at the beginning of your direct philanthropy journey.

You have the right mindset, but need some support to get started. Our Direct Philanthropy Starter Kit will help you understand the basics and give you the practical steps and connections to make moves.

Your next steps:

Stay tuned for part 2 of our starter kit, in which you’ll learn how to develop meaningful relationships with communities.

You’re a great candidate to include direct philanthropy among other types of funding.

This will help you balance your giving and invest more in long-term systemic change. Consider weaving more equitable practices, such as community-led decision-making and flexible funding, into all aspects of your giving.

Your next steps:

Stay tuned for part 3 and 4 of our starter kit, in which you’ll learn practices that support systemic change, and how to create mutual agreements between funders and nonprofits.

You’re ready to blaze trails with direct philanthropy.

You know the time it takes to work toward systemic change and have an appetite for clearing the way for more funders. Commit to radical trust in your grantmaking, and start by examining your own ideas and practices to understand what you bring to the table.

Your next steps:

Stay tuned for part 5 of our starter kit, in which you’ll learn how to redefine impact with communities in mind.

Wherever you are in grantmaking, you have the opportunity to make the principles of direct philanthropy part of your practice.

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